Club Committee 4 of 11

4. Appointed Roles

Team Captain, Vices
For adult teams, there is 1 team captain and a selection of vice captains, (if more than 1 it is to be discussed with the section lead)

A team captain is selected by a combination of the Section lead and the chair. Team captains pick their vice(s). They cannot be section leads.

Both roles have similar responsibilities, not limited to:
Selection of team (alongside the head coach, if appropriate)
Supply of balls, facemasks and first aid kit for each game (provided by the club at the start of the season, and replenished when requested)
Co-ordination with Opposition.
Ensuring that the club's code of conduct is followed at all points, and respect shown to colleagues, opposition, umpires and spectators.

Captains MUST be first aid trained and have DBS checks, these will be provided by the club, and must be in progress before the season starts. This will be enforced by the welfare officer

Coach are either hired or volunteer their time to the club. They are expected to uphold the club's code of conduct and report any issues to the welfare officer.
They maybe asked to assist captains with selection.
Their primary role is the improvement of players.

Coaches MUST have DBS checks, these will be provided by the club, and must be in progress before training starts. This will be enforced by the welfare officer