Club Committee
Role: To oversee all facets of the running of the hockey club.
Members: President, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare, Vice Chair, Men’s Section Lead, Women’s Section lead, Junior Section Lead, Social Media and Communications Officer, Men’s Section Rep, Women’s Section Rep, Junior Section Rep, Independent Reps.
Meets: Every second Wednesday of the month (unless advised otherwise), hosted by the Chair
Role: To approve (or not) financial outgoing and ingoings into the club accounts.
Members: President, Chair, Treasurer, Vice Chair,
Meets: On WhatsApp when required, driven by the Treasurer
Role: To preside over disciplinary events, assign and hear personal appeals to punishment
President, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare, Vice Chair:
And upon invite: Men’s Section Lead, Women’s Section Lead, Junior Section Lead
Meets: On WhatsApp when required, driven by the Chair
Role: To organise and run all social events during the year.
Chair, Vice Chair, Social Media and Communications Officer, Men’s Section Rep, Women’s Section Rep, Junior Section Rep, Independent Reps
Meets: Has ongoing WhatsApp group, that is refreshed yearly, driven by the vice chair
Role: To organise events outside fixtures with facility holders. To maintain good communication with facility holders, and communicate concerns/issues.
President, Chair, Secretary, Fixtures, Treasurer, Vice Chair driven by President
Meets: Has ongoing Whatsapp group, that is refreshed yearly,
President, Chair, Secretary, Vice Chair
Meets: Has ongoing WhatsApp group, that is refreshed yearly,