Anyone attending any Bolton HC activity should be a club member and therefore have paid one of the membership subscriptions. All match fees are in addition to membership fees and details can be found here.
Junior, Youth, Student, Retired/Unemployed, Adult, One Parent and Family Membership fees include the club membership and therefore the £10 cost associated with this membership is included.
Payment of these Memberships can be paid in full upfront at the start of the season (September), or in thirds during the three payment windows (September, November, February).
To make your payment please visit the shop on the pitchero website when you are logged in. From there you can purchase the correct membership. If you cannot see the required membership, or you believe that concessions apply, please contact the club Treasurer.
All new members should become a club member in the first instance and paid in full at the time of joining. This includes all new starters while they are on PAYG or casual activity for the first three sessions
Anyone transitioning from a Club Membership to a Full Membership will be required to pay the top up
Anyone joining during the season can pay the pro-rata amount depending on their time of joining. This will be worked out in thirds linked to the payment windows.