Annual General Meeting 2024

Annual General Meeting 2024

Friday 24 May 2024
19:00 - 22:00
Kyle Hatch
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Host: Phil Meachin
Location: Lostock Tennis Club

  • Welcome from President
  • Apologies for Absence
  • Minutes of last meeting
  • President’s Report
  • Chair’s Report
  • Treasurer's Report
  • 100 Club Draw
  • Raised Points
  • Club Constitution 
  • Elections of Committee Members
  • Questions Received
  • AOB

Known Introduced Articles

Further reading
This is a past event
5 members attending
Lu Bull
Lu Bull
Poppy Barber
Poppy Barber
Eilidh Chitre
Eilidh Chitre
Rachael Gibb
Rachael Gibb
Kyle Hatch
Kyle Hatch